Monday, March 13
Good Goods
When: 7:30 PM
Where: CMFT
What: Come see Acting Company 48 perform “Good Goods,” a 2012 drama about siblings with a powerful connection to the past.
Tuesday, March 14
Good Goods
When: 7:30 PM
Where: CMFT
What: Come see Acting Company 48 perform “Good Goods,” a 2012 drama about siblings with a powerful connection to the past.
Broadview Lecture Series: The Making of a Principal Dancer in the World of Classical Ballet
Where: ADM 1001 (Buffer Room)
When: 4:30 PM
What: Ted T. Kivett talks about his journey as a principal ballet dancer.
When: 7:30 PM
Where: CMFT
What: Come see Acting Company 48 perform “Orestes,” a classic tragedy about a pair of desperate siblings trying to end the cycle of murder and revenge that has made their family famous for 2,500 years.
Photography Lecture, Jasper Soloff
When: 2 PM
Where: Purchase Bookstore
What: Join Jasper Soloff, an LA based photographer and director, who will come talk about his work.
Wednesday, March 15
Good Goods
When: 7:30 PM
Where: CMFT
What: Come see Acting Company 48 perform “Good Goods,” a 2012 drama about siblings with a powerful connection to the past.
FMS Screening
When: 7 PM
Where: CMFT 0065
What: Come watch a film presented by the Cinema Studies faculty.
Thursday, March 16
FMS Screening
When: 7 PM
Where: CMFT 0065
What: Come watch a film presented by the Cinema Studies faculty.
When: 7:30 PM
Where: CMFT
What: Come see Acting Company 48 perform “Orestes,” a classic tragedy about a pair of desperate siblings trying to end the cycle of murder and revenge that has made their family famous for 2,500 years.
Friday, March 17