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Homesick Highlights the Heartache of Outsiderness

Updated: Mar 17

Story and Photos by Alex Del Cueto

“Homesick: Searching for Comfort in the Unknown,” a devised play created by Dana Freeman, Judit Queral Perramon and Maggie Anderson, was performed from Nov. 7 to 10.

A devised play is a show where all the aspects are created through collaboration during the rehearsal process instead of having a pre-written script. “Homesick” was created with the question, “What is it to be an outsider?” Each of the collaborators in the play showcased aspects of their lives that make them feel an outsider.

“I thought outsiderness and belonging weren’t things that were really being talked about on campus,” said Freeman. “I wanted to start those conversations.”

As the audience filled the theater, there were pre-show moments where each of the actors came out on stage and asked the audience for directions to track 22. However, despite the audience telling them the same direction, each actor went in a different direction.

The show opens with Perramon discussing the outsiderness that comes from being someone not born in America and trying to fit in with the culture. Throughout the show, she continues to fight with balancing the ideas of being an American and keeping her roots from Spain.

Throughout the show, the cast used two projectors to help enhance the storytelling and to create more visuals to help the story resonate with the audience. Throughout Perramon’s sections in the show, images from her home country and audio clips from her parents gave a view of what she is missing while in America.

“This show is very emotional and very personal to me because it's my story and the story of my friends,” said Perramon. “Having my parents' voices and the images of my hometown really makes me feel like I belong somewhere.”

Anderson was the second actor to have a solo scene, and their scenes focused on the concepts of feeling lonely and feeling that you’re not accepted as you are. 

Their first scene was a parody of a TED Talk for an Anti-Loneliness Implant. A majority of Anderson’s scenes had moments of comedy built into them that helped juxtapose the very serious commentary they were making.

Freeman was the last of the actors to have a solo scene, her’s told of someone whose home was constantly moving and changing.

As a result of her parents' jobs, Freeman often had to move to new places and start new schools. She highlighted the feeling of always being a new person and constantly having to adjust to new places. 

The show centers around the idea of being an outsider and wondering where “home” is and what is “home.”

“This show is really important to me and I feel like a lot of people can relate to it,” said Anderson. “I feel like home is such a specific thing and is such a complicated thing for so many people.”

Dana Freeman during the pre-show asked the audience where track 22 is.

Judit Querall Perramon did her opening monologue about her own personal struggles with outsiderness.

Perramon reminisced on what it would be like to be back on the beaches of her hometown.

Maggie Anderson gave a TED Talk for an Anti-Loneliness Companion Implant.

Perramon and Freeman drag Anderson off stage after the TED Talk while the projectors tell the audience to keep clapping,

From left to right: Freeman, Anderson and Perramon stare up in the darkness.

Freeman (center) got posed by Perramon (left) and Anderson (right) as she discussed the struggle to fit in.

 Anderson (center) discussed the social anxiety of trying to interact with two people who are also friends with each other and feeling left out of the conversation.

Perramon (center) highlighted the struggle of being a non-native English speaker in America while trying to speak to frozen people.

Anderson on the floor after collapsing under the pressure of trying to conform to what other people expect them to be.

Freeman lifting Perramon played around and reconnected as friends who haven’t seen each other in a long time.

Freeman (left) and Perramon (right) said goodbye as they realized this will likely be the last time they see each other for a while.

The cast of “Homesick” taking their final bow.


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